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IT-Talk - FORRS Partners GmbH FORRS Partners GmbH

Spread Forcasting in Short-Term Power Markets

In this presentation, we talk about the intricacies of the electricity market with an insight into the short-term electricity market and highlighted challenges impacting data science in this area, such as the integration of renewables and regulatory factors. 

The expansion of renewable energy is leading to increasing volatility in the short-term electricity market. As a result, producers and consumers are under strong pressure to adapt in order to optimise their own position in the market. In the FORRS IT presentation, we will shed light on a practical problem regarding the optimal execution time and present a solution approach with the help of architecture-adaptive neural networks.

Plakat IT Talk Forrs
Plakat IT Talk Forrs


Dr. Johannes Fasching-Hölzl; Senior Consultant, Forrs



Tuesday, May 14, 2024 from 6pm to 7pm CET


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