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CAS Cognitive Science Content

The Certificate in Cognitive Science at Heidelberg University offers students from all departments the opportunity to expand their qualifications in the field of cognitive science. It is an interdisciplinary, research-oriented additional qualification for Master's students and doctoral candidates that promotes individual profile formation. 

The focus of interest is on human cognition, in the conviction that mutual enrichment is possible by building bridges to computational approaches and artificial intelligence. Our cognitive abilities underpin processes such as remembering and forgetting, attending and constructing meaning, planning and decision making, language production and comprehension, which allow us to respond to complex problems in our environment. The question of how cognition works is fundamental to our self-understanding as human beings as well as to countless areas of our daily lives, be it at school, in social interactions, on the road, daydreaming, in mental institutions, translating or in court - to name but a few. The search for answers requires knowledge from different disciplines, an overview of the variety of methods, and a good deal of creativity. Cognitive science aims at asking appropriate questions about the connection between cognition and observable phenomena. At the same time, it provides the means to develop answers.


In order to achieve the broadest possible understanding of the diverse issues surrounding cognition, while ensuring in-depth application knowledge in a specific methodology and fostering the ability to independently develop and solve problems in this interdisciplinary field, the certificate is composed of three modules.

Module 1 Fundamentals
The first module provides basics and orientation in the form of a lecture series, which can be attended without registering for the certificate, and in the form of a seminar, for which registration is required. These events provide an overview of the issues of the various subdisciplines and the conceptual basics of cognition. In addition, to pass the modul it is necessary to acquire basic knowledge in statistical methods, which are indispensable in empirical cognitive science.

Module 2 Individual Profile
The second module supplements the basics with a profile that can be individually designed according to the respective interests. This enables the graduates to learn theoretical approaches and a practical research method beyond their own field of study.

Module 3 Completion
Finally, the third module offers the opportunity to elaborate the acquired methods and approaches in an own project design within the framework of current research questions. The project can for instance be used as a basis for theses, doctoral dissertations or smaller research projects.

The design of the certificate provides students the chance to enter a broad, extremely dynamic and socially relevant field of research. They not only acquire an additional qualification, but also gain a new perspective on the potentials of their own discipline. 

Overview of CAS Cognitive Science

Learning objectives

Graduates of the Certificate in Cognitive Science will be able to grasp a broad spectrum of cognitive science topics and terms and present them in a way that is understandable for a multidisciplinary audience. They have acquired the ability to develop questions about human cognition and to evaluate research literature from different disciplines on these questions. Their general overview of possible methods with in-depth knowledge and ability to apply at least one method enables them to propose an appropriate approach to find answers. In interdisciplinary teams, they can identify different perspectives and thus contribute to mediation.

Course offer

Course offer from the related disciplines

The course offer consists of a variety of courses from the various disciplines that contribute to Cognitive Science. Depending on the semester, students will have access to courses from psychology, philosophy, neurology, psychiatry, linguistics and computer science, among others.

The specific courses offered by each faculty will be announced before the start of the semester in time for the elective period.

Lecture series in winter term 2024

The lecture series 'Foundations of Cognitive Science' is open to anyone interested in the topic. You can choose between two different options to receice a certificate (2 ECTS). Please check the website of the lecture series for further information. 

It will take place on Mondays 4-6 pm starting Nov. 18th, 2024. The locations changes a few times. Check the website for the rooms! 

Seminar Fundamentals II in winter term 2024

'The History of Cognitive Science' seminar will take place on Wednesdays 4.15-5.45 pm starting Oct. 23rd, 2024. To successfully complete the seminar, you may have no more than two absences. 

Lecture on Statistics in winter term 2024

  • The lecture on Statistics 'Schöner Zweifeln - Vom Umgang mit Unsicherheit' (teaching language: german) will take place on Tuesdays 4.15-5.45 pm starting Nov. 5th, 2024. Check the website for further information:

Learn more 

  • The lecture on  'Deskriptive Statistik und Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie' (teaching language: german) will take place on Tuesdays 9.15-10.45 pm starting Oct. 22nd, 2024. The location is HS1 in the psychology department.