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CAS Cognitive Science Realisation

The certificate is supposed to be completed alongside your regular studies and is free of charge. 

It comprises 29 credit points (ECTS) with a recommended duration of 4 semesters.

For the time being, the Fundamentals I lecture series and the Fundamentals II seminar will be offered as face-to-face courses only. Both courses are required for the final admission to the certificate program. For Module II, it is up to the lecturer to decide in which format the course will be offered.

Courses will be held in both German and English. The lecture series as well as the seminar Fundamentals II will be taught in English. Sufficient familiarity with both languages is recommended to take full advantage of all offered courses. For foreign students only speaking English, it is possible to complete the certificate under limited course availability.

The Certificate in Cognitive Science is aimed at students of all disciplines with a special interest in cognitive science content and methods. An ongoing Master's or doctoral program at Heidelberg University is a prerequisite for application. For medical students, the preliminary medical exam is required; law students can apply from the 7th semester onwards. Available spots will be assigned on an equal basis according to the 4 faculty areas (Fields of Focus). Acceptance is determined by the time of registration ('first come first serve' within the according faculty areas). In order to maintain equal opportunity, applications from the first week of the application period (1 August – 8 August) will be collected and assigned by lottery if available spots within a faculty area are exceeded. If spots remain available after 15 September, they may be given to interested students from other FoFs.