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CAS Cognitive Science Application / Registration

Next application period: tbd

Please send the registration form and a letter of motivation to


In your letter of motivation, we expect you to relate the content of the CAS Cognitive Science to your personal course of study and your academic goals (max. 500 words, standard format, Pdf).

A total of 24 students from all departments will be enrolled in the certificate program in the winter term. Available spots will be allocated on an equal basis across the 4 faculty areas.

Acceptance will be based on the quality of the letter of motivation and the date of submission. We will begin accepting applicants on 22nd of August as soon as we find suitable candidates, so sending your documents in the first week of the application period will increase your chances of being accepted. If all spots are filled, remaining candidates will be placed on a waiting list. To ensure equal opportunity, applications submitted during the first week of the application period will be treated as if they were submitted at the same time. Spots that remain available in one faculty area, may be offered to interested students from other faculty areas at the end of the application period.

Please note: Successful applicants are required to attend the ‚History of Cognitive Science‘ seminar in the winter term. Final admission to the full certificate program will be granted only after passing the seminar and the exam of the lecture series! 

The lecture series can be attended without registering for the certificate. Students who have passed the exam will have an advantage in the registration process.